Thursday, January 18, 2018

- new beginnings -

"Better late than never, but never late is better. They tell me time is money, well we'll spend it together" - Drake

- me -

My name is Melanie, and I've decided to give this blog thing a try! I'm a single parent, professional licensed esthetician, skin care nerd, & all-around boss babe based in Houston, Texas. People are always asking me what I think about certain skin care routines, products, treatments & makeup, so I am going to put my knowledge to use and help out in the best way I can! 

I don't have a cutesy story about how I've always been obsessed with pretty makeup ever since I was a kid...or a sad story how I had the worst acne as a teen and was super inspired to become an esthetician because of those experiences.

(Much love & respect for those who have, the struggle is real!!!) 

My evolution into, and eventual obsession, with this amazing career started in the least likely of ways. But before I dig into that, what the heck is an esthetician anyways? 

Say it with me:
[es-thi-tish-uh n]

Got it? Let's call it esti for short! 

First, I was in college to become a medical assistant around 2008, and we had to take a crash course in anatomy & physiology covering all the major organ systems of the body. At that point in my life, I wasn't exactly sure where I was going, I had no freaking clue what I was doing. But I knew I was searching for something new to learn about and that I wanted to get into a dream career I could be proud of, have fun with, and be happy while making decent money. I thought maybe the medical field would be a step in the right direction...

- word -

Fast forward to the end of August 2009, we were wrapping up our term and going over the last organ system, the integumentary system. I gotta tell ya, I was instantly hooked. Do you know how freaking amazing our skin is?!? From protecting your body from nasty, killer bacteria trying to get in, temperature regulation, providing you with your sense of touch & the ability to literally regenerating new skin by healing & repairing itself when it's broken or damaged, I kinda like to think of our skin as a kick-ass superhero of some sort with all these great abilities!

(I told ya'll I was a nerd. Stay with me here..) 

I literally begged our internship coordinator in college to pair me with a dermatologist for my internship as a medical assistant (MA). And they delivered! I ended up doing my internship and eventually was hired on with this great dermatologist; I learned many things from her! With that being said, I've seen a LOT of skincare issues, such as acne, rosacea, skin cancer, psoriasis, weird moles and growths, enlarged pores & blackheads, and others. She also taught me how to do laser hair removal and chemical peels. *swoon* But I wanted to be the one helping to treat and work on the skin, not just an observing bystander. I worked with her for about 2 and half years as an MA, and I am very grateful for the experience I had and I figured out that the medical world was not where I wanted to be! I decided I might want to try for esthetics in the future, as life & motherhood sort of got in the way. I know that's kind of a lame excuse, but look how cute she is!!!

 - my baby girl, Cali @ 11 months-

I had this precious, darling little gem in March 2011. I was so lucky to be able to be a stay-at-home mom for her first year! But after that, I was ready to get back to work!  Unfortunately, bad things happen sometimes between adults, and I decided to become a single mom and raise her by myself. I won't go into all the details now, but maybe one day! My daughter Cali is my life, my reason for living; she brings so much happiness, love and joy into my life! She really is the best!!!

- Christmas 2017 @ 6 years old - 

So in 2014, I went back to school yet again with the amazing support of my parents to be able to get into this crazy career that I've fallen in love with! I've made many close friends in the industry, I've also worked in both day spa & med spa settings! I am currently working as lead esthetician at a luxury day spa in Houston and I'm really happy where I am at! I specialize in facials, body treatments & waxing. I have previous experience with laser hair removal, CoolSculpting, medical-grade chemical peels, microdermabrasion, & the Green Peel.  I hope to get into spa management and ownership one day! 

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and getting to know me a little better! My goal is to help at least one person out, and if I have done that, I will be happy!!! I hope you enjoy my slightly nerdy, quirky sense of humor, insightful advice and no-nonsense approach to skincare! 


the besti esti

- a little esti humor ;) -